Sunday, September 20, 2015

Rim-to-Rim - How long will it take???

I provided a lot of information in my post on Just the Facts.

But I missed one thing that is really important.  How long will it take?  This will dictate how early we leave and whether or not we need headlights.

This seems like a really simple question.  But of course it is not.  It depends on how in shape you are, how often you will stop, whether you will take some of the side trips, and how long you will spend at lunch (or drinking a beer as is our plan).

Here is what I have found on other sites.

Based on all of that, it will take beween 12-13 hours.  If the sun is going down at about 6pm on the South Rim, then we should be hiking by 5am.  That means headlights and enough warm cloths for at least an hour of dark.

I will be writing about headlights next.


  1. Turns out that I was pretty much right on in my calculations. We were moving along pretty quickly until we got to the climb out. That took a while. We left at 5:30 and arrived at the top at 5:45. That's 12:15!
