Monday, August 3, 2015

Rim-to-Rim - What to Eat

We expect the hike to take 14-16 hours.  That is a lot of time on the trail.  We need to make sure we eat and drink right.  I will talk about eating first and drinking in another post.

The first thing to think about is what to eat the night before the hike, and in the morning before leaving.  My approach is always to have a good balanced meal the night before, making sure that you get a mix of protein and carbohydrates.  I don't totally buy into carbo-loading, but some good carbs will be included in what I eat.  I will also lay off the wine and beer.  And I will make sure that I drink a good amount of water.  All of that will leave me in the best state when I get up.

Breakfast is about eating what I have eaten lots of times before.  I will not try something new.  My go to meal is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, on toasted whole wheat bread.  My stomach likes this.  And I think it is a decent combination of protein and carbohydrates again.  I will drink water.  And I will have coffee (I am a bit of a coffee prude so will bring my own to the hotel).  I am not sure coffee is right for everyone, but I am a big fan and have it all the time before I hike or bike.  It will not cause any problems, and I think the caffeine gets me going!

As an aside, I will make sure I am up at least an hour before we start hiking.  I need that time to enjoy my coffee and to give my body time to wake up, shower, go to the bathroom, and be in the right state of mind to enjoy the day. 

Once we get moving, I like to eat something every 45 minutes to 1 hour.  That can be a gel or bar.  I like to mix it up a bit, but mostly eat bars, making sure that I have one that is high in protein.  This is not an advertisement, but I am a Clif fan.  I like the ingredients, the way they quickly disappear from my mouth, and most importantly the way they make me feel.  I am not a fan of the blocks.  They stick to my teeth.

I have read a lot on nutrition and hiking.  I know that some people eat dried meat, dried fruit, crackers, cheese, etc. I will likely bring along a bit of fruit.  In the end, it is your own preference.  The main thing is that it be something that you are use to eating, in similar conditions (long day of exercise), and that you eat regularly.  It is really hard to recover if you bonk!

Last thing. When we get to Phantom Ranch, there is a good chance we will have a beer.  I don't typically drink beer on a hike, but it may happen this time:) Lets hope the carbonation is not a problem!

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